Turning Observations into Insights
The difference between observations and insights is an important one. Observations are just raw data: things you saw and heard — what you recorded without judgment.
Insights, however, are a deeper interpretation and understanding of what you are seeing and hearing.

Retail Stories
A collection of tiny stories to fuel your Category Development
As Category Mangers in FMCG, we should see stories everywhere. Sometimes you don’t have time to step outside of your category. Looking at other categories provides essential fuel for new category thinking.
At Collective Stories, we encourage the use of stories collected from all retail and the world around us. Becoming a collection of stories will make your initiatives richer, more focused and let’s face it more interesting. Linking stories to data provides ultra rich & insightful category development.
We would love to see your FMCG stories, tag us in or drop us a line to be included in our next edition.
@storiestogrow #storiestogrow