The Best Stories Are Like Broken Pottery.


Invest in your business stories and create better outcomes.

What does broken pottery and storytelling for business training have in common? It’s simple. Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery using pure gold. The metaphor is clever and clear. Once repaired, the pot is more valuable and beautiful than it was before.

 The stories you tell in business including presentations, dashboards and reports (and even e mails) are already probably quite beautiful but what if we broke them down and stuck them back together with gold….something beautiful and definitely more valuable will appear.

This is something we regularly undertake for our brilliant clients, both our strategic reframing, storytelling skills and graphic design ensure there is always an elevation! Do you have an important pitch or business update you would like to elevate, lets smash some pots together!

Darren Hepworth

Creating beautiful designs to invigorate your... Brand | Print | Website

Collective Stories - Storytelling Workshops