Sustainability Insight: It’s not to late to start again

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Earth Overshoot Day happens on the 29th of July this year. It’s mind blowing to think that this day marks the date in our 2019 calendar when our ecological demands as humans (fish, forests etc) exceeds what the Earth can regenerate in the same year. From this point onwards, we are in ecological deficit. 

Very simply, we have used up our fair share and are eating into our other resources, generating more waste and carbon dioxide. In a nutshell, it’s clearly not a date for celebration but a date when we should hold ourselves to account, challenging our own commitment to sustainability and that of those around us.

Here at Collective Stories, we use a focussed sustainability framework to find out how your shoppers & consumers view sustainability and, most importantly, your brand. From classic sustainability topics like recycling and waste reduction through to new emerging materials like Social Plastic™ and Cupcycling™, we can identify clear and actionable insights for your business.

To enrich your sustainability insight, we can align insight plans and outcomes with your chosen retailer strategies. We have studied, assessed and compared key UK grocery and high street positions on this global matter, driving important context into your strategic plans. 

This Earth Overshoot day and everyday thereafter, Collective Stories will employ a true sustainability mindset to face into this challenge, According to the UN, if we (as a planet) continue to use resources at this rate, we have 11 years until the damage to the planet is irreversible. 

No further words needed. 

Contact Collective Stories to start your sustainability insight conversation today.

Further details are available at;

Darren Hepworth

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Category Management Stories: Reframed