Change the story

Its no



SUBJECT: Space / Range Changes


The e mail from your retail partner announcing space or range changes can be a massive validation of your Category / Account Management team, the retailer acknowledges and appreciates your collaborative mindset and are actioning your recommendations to drive category growth. Boom!

Conversely, the e mail can be a little bit of a heartbreaker. Like a break up letter of the worse kind, it’s not us, its you. The retailer hasn’t listened, strategic alignment hasn’t happened, and your product has been delisted, your space has been reduced and your NPD isn’t on the retailers agenda for this year. 

Often, the decision is presented as final. The door is closed, and your fate appears to be sealed. What you do next defines the nature of your partnership with the retailer going forward. You could write a long missive detailing your perceived awesomeness, mwah ha ha silly retailer! You could phone them relentlessly, perhaps turn up at HQ with a PowerPoint deck of both length and detail, kapow!

Without a doubt, all of these actions will irk even the most tolerant and efficient of buyers.  

If any of the above have crossed your mind or indeed if you have ever done any of them then Collective Stories can certainly help you change your reality. You will get a limited number of opportunities to respond to this e mail. Make it count. 

First things first, ask for a clear rationale for the changes. A collaborative and supportive mindset will get you far here. Collective Stories are experts in key category concepts but most of all we promise simplicity and ultimately clarity.

Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.
— John Maeda

In the spirit of true category partnership, your response should be balanced and clear. For SME’s who are not as rich in market data or insight and often rely on EPOS and experience it’s even more important to remove the emotion from the response. 

The SME voice can be as effective as larger organisations who are undoubtedly richer in resource. SMEs can absolutely demonstrate strategic alignment at the same level as larger organisations. Collective Stories are experts in frugality, we make a promise to our clients, we will discover more with less. 

Before your next range review change the story, next time this e mail plops into your inbox, change the story. #storiestogrow

Darren Hepworth

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