Feminine Care Category: Schedule Regular Knowledge Resets


Goodbye Roller Skating Girl…..

Over a decade into my absorbent product career I thought I understood everything about absorbent menstrual products, plus being a girl, I was confident that I had a pretty good level of insight.

Let’s not forget, I had been advised by the TV advert from mid 80’s that girls experiencing a menstrual period wanted to roller- skate down the sea front with a dog/holding a balloon wearing a popular brand of tampon (rhymes with tram tax).

Fairly simple really, very well informed. No need for further discussion.

Removal of subjectivity is one of the hardest issues a category manager can face. In a society where the subject of menstruation is not openly discussed the inclination to refer to your personal /close peer group experience is strong. It feels strange and unusual to challenge what you think you know about such a personal subject. 

Resetting your category knowledge is a significant key to growth, don’t be afraid to un-know what you know. A fresh perspective will re-energise and revitalise.

A constantly evolving perspective will also highlight the differences between different age groups, particularly important in the personal care category. Different generations will have totally different views on the same subject.  Teenagers vs. 30 somethings, vs. 40 somethings, I will just leave this here…..

With this in mind, Collective Stories have been able to design and develop research to gather insight into both absorbent product requirements and the shopping experience. We do this in the right way, making sure that respondents feel comfortable at all times under Market Research guidelines.  

Contact us to discuss your absorbent product insight needs, challenge what you know, the market is dynamic and constantly evolving, are you evolving at the same rate? #storiesforgrowth

Darren Hepworth

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