In pursuit of the glass slipper: Know your retailer

In pursuit of the glass slipper Know your retailer.jpg

FMCG Category development is based on the creation of insight driven, strategically aligned stories. Knowing what matters to your retail partner should be front of mind in all category development communications. Sounds simple but this is a step often missed out as we develop our category development toolkits.

Success in FMCG Category development can often feel like the search for the ultimate glass slipper, the perfect fit. As in the tale of Cinderella, the wrong fit leads to the wrong match and ultimately would end in tears if the shoe was forced to fit. Trying to force your product, your proposition or your idea onto a customer without asking whether it really fits with their strategy is entirely counterproductive just like Cinderella’s sisters trying to force their feet into her glass slipper. The outcome is likely to be a series of blisters and ultimately pursuit of more comfortable shoes from an alternative source. 

Top tip, immerse yourself in retailer updates, industry news from @igd @thegrocer and @KAMCity/NAMNEWS. Finally,  consult your network and make sure you really understand your retailer priorities. This is the first step towards a category development story with impact. Be aware of the importance of a great fitting glass slipper.

Darren Hepworth

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Storytelling Tips for Category Development