Using your canvas
Delivery of a great category development idea requires two things, a watertight, focussed structure, presented simply. We rarely use over complicated templates preferring simplicity and balance, don’t compromise substance for style.
Remember that your audience is the hero of the story and you are on a journey together, make sure they don’t get lost in excessive data or overly complicated diagrams. I always refer back to this quotation;
Don’t be afraid to remove slides from your deck, chances are if you can’t say it in one or two slides you need to consider if the information should be provided separately. In extreme cases where you believe that the story has been lost and over complicated, don’t be afraid to burn down your deck. It can happen that when you revisit your work, you can’t remember why you included a slide but you keep it in just in case.
To summarise, structure, simplicity and clarity will make your audiences storytelling journey more enjoyable and easier leaving them headspace to drive motivation to act.