Top Tips for Storytelling


Helen recently gave a talk to CIM about the world of FMCG Category Management and the role of storytelling. Since then, We have been asked to share the top 5 storytelling tips we took the audience through!



If you can’t explain the problem you are trying to solve clearly, you will not solve the problem. Think about the economy of words, use your space well. Remember, Hemingway could tell a story with six words.

Avoid the Well Trodden:

Challenge your macro insight. We are emerging from the pandemic, figures are annualizing, let’s start forming new hypothesis and looking to our data providers for fresh insights.

Avoid the Well Trodden

Form & Content

Form & Content:

Don’t be afraid of the simplicity of a powerpoint deck. Font and placement are key. An over fussy powerpoint deck detracts from the audiences journey. Does your corporate deck support your story or dare you simplify?

Be a Firestarter:

As an FMCG storyteller, you are taking your audience on a journey, make it different, make it interesting, light lots of little fires to drive action. If you feel like your story doesn’t drive action, burn it down (not literally, definitely avoid that) save a copy and strip it right back.

Be a fire Starter

The End?


Honestly, the end is never the end. At the ‘end’ of your deck, you should have inspired the audience to take action, to list your product, to agree to your marketing proposal, to trial NPD. Be clear that the actions agreed here are really the beginning.

Darren Hepworth

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FMCG Category [Caterpillar] Metamorphosis